Hypothesis, Personal Theories, Scientific Theories, and Scientific Laws
Remember a hypothesis is an educated guess that predicts the outcome of something like an experiment.
Thought Question 1. What is a personal theory? A personal theory is a guess or idea about something based on personal experience and personal opinion.
What is a scientific theory? A scientific theory explains something in nature and is supported by empirical evidence, most scientists agree with it, and has not yet been proven wrong.
Watch the video segment. What does the Theory of Plate tectonics tell us? Why is it considered a theory?
What is a scientific law? A scientific law describes: something that happen in nature, it is based on empirical evidence, it has not been proven wrong, and it may have math to back it up.
Watch the video. What does the Law of Universal Gravitation tell us? ` Why is it a law and not a theory?
Explain how personal theories and scientific theories are different.