Our 3rd Grade Classroom News May Thank you! Reminders May 11th Email: abby.martin@lethsd.ab.ca Website: www.missmartin3b.weebly.com Thank you! Reminders May 11th -Hot lunch order deadline Thank you so much to all of our Pysanky Egg volunteers and Ukrainian Dancing drivers Events May 7th & 21st: -No School May 8th-May 11th -Birthday Week May 22nd -Hot lunch May 30th -Book orders due May 10th -80’s day May 24th -Blue & yellow day Our Learning Writing: Researching for and writing an informational article Reading: Non-fiction reading strategies Math: Fractions Science: Life Cycles Social: Quality of Life in Tunisia At-Home Practice Division up to 25 ÷ 5 Multiplication up to 5 x 5 Reading 20 min/night