The Byzantine Empire
The Church Splits 1054 AD Eastern Western Capital Rome Religion/Denomination Roman Catholic Religious Leader Pope Current Pope Benedict XVI Capital Constantinople Religion/Denomination Eastern Orthodox Religious Leader Patriarch
Pope Benedict XVI: 2005-2013 (resigned) Pope John Paul II: 1978-2005
Pope Francis: Jesuit from Argentina
Why Split? Greek Language Latin Priests could marry Marriage East West Greek Language Latin Priests could marry Marriage No marriage of priests Holy Day Easter Christmas The Patriarch refused to acknowledge the Pope as his superior. Pope claimed to be leader of ALL Christians. (Petrine Doctrine?) Power Excommunication (1054 AD) Patriarch excommunicates Pope Pope excommunicates Patriarch
Result East officially becomes Orthodox Church West officially becomes Roman Catholic Church
The Slavic People Lived in Eastern Europe.
Many Slavs adopted Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Led to the beginning of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The Turks 1. Became Muslims & took control of the Islamic Empire. 2. Turkish Sultans replaced the Caliphs (Arab/Islamic rulers). *Seljuk Turks: 970-1071 A.D. 3. In 1453 A.D., Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople, ending the Byzantine Empire. 4. Changed Constantinople to Istanbul