All about Julie
Siblings I have 1 sister and 4 brothers. My only sister is 2 years old and her name is Isabela. My brothers are Nicolas- 7 months, Jordan- 4, Elian- 5, Marvin- 16. I love them and I’m so thankful to have them even if they can get on my nerves.
Parents My mom is nice but she can be mean. She is loving and cares for us. If need someone she is always there. My dad just pasted away recently but he was a great guy. He always tried to be the best dad. He would always care for us. I love them both.
Hobbies and interest I like soccer I like to hang out with my friends I love dolphins. I also like to play with my younger siblings and spend time with them I like to go to Washington dc and its really cool. I have gone and it’s a great experience. When I went there I met John Mcain, senator Saxby Chambliss, and Phill Gingrey. I saw the White House , Lincoln Memorial, and other things.
My Favorites Ice cream: Strawberry Movie: Beastly Song: Shower Place: Washington D.C Book: The Fault in our Stars Animal: Dolphin Sport: Soccer
School I did go to Cartersville School System when I was in kindergarten until half of fourth grade. I just came back from SCMS. My favorite class is Social Studies. A class I would like to have at CMS is a sleeping class.
Career After school, I plan to go to college but I don’t know which college yet. I would like to be a Pediatrician which is a doctor for children. If I don’t become a Pediatrician I would like to be a designer.
Quiz What was my favorite movie? Beastly What do I want to be when I grow up? Pediatrician or Designer What other school have I gone to? South Central Middle School