Factors/processes responsible for the pattern of the diamond trade S.P.E.N.T
Social Migration to India Surat has more than 3,500 large and small diamond manufacturing units employing many workers http://www.karpgroup.com/about_us.aspx?hid=go http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-03-03/special-report/37409868_1_rough-diamonds-diamond-merchants-small-diamond
Political Corruption and war. Rebel forces lead to artisanal mining in some countries. Artisanal mining is like a subsistence miner, not employed by a mining company. Charles Taylor? http://www.charlestaylortrial.org/
Economic Factors MEDCs have the market and demand for selling diamonds. Movies and other social media promote diamonds as a wealth and status symbol De Beers http://www.slideshare.net/vincydavis/de-beers-diamond-is-forever-ad-campaign
Natural Factors Volcanism leads to kimberlite pipes… Kimberlites are magmatic rocks that form deep in Earth's interior and are brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions. On their turbulent journey upwards magmas assimilate other types of minerals, collectively referred to as xenoliths (Greek for "foreign rocks"). The xenoliths found in kimberlite include diamonds, and the vast majority of the diamonds mined in the world today is found in kimberlite ores.
Kimberley Mine With the netbooks you are to research what the Kimberley mines are? Where are they? How big are they? Can you find specific information relating to the mine, how many people are employed, how many gems come out of them, how much money is generated and so on…
Technological processes/factors Polishing and cutting in India due to technical ability and adaptation