Miss Yates’ Newsletter: Oct. 22nd-26th On Thursday, Mrs. Remmert will do a Science lesson on hearing. Please send an item that makes a unique noise that we can decipher easily, i.e. bell, chime, drumsticks. Please do not go buy anything. Also, I need hairdryers on Friday for our pumpkin art craft. Please send to school. Thanks! M 10/22-Blue Knights’ Boys Club 3:15-4:15 GYM Th 10/25-SUB ½ Day 11:15-3:15 p.m. F 10/26-Pumpkin Patch 9:00-12:30 p.m. -Baptismal Celebrities: Maverick, Ellery Specials: Monday-P.E., Computers Tuesday-Atrium, Music, Adoration Wednesday-P.E. Thursday-Keyboarding, No Music Friday-Technology, No Library Please send field trip forms with payment $6/attendee by Monday, Oct. 22nd! If you volunteer to drive or bring items needed, plan on doing so. Driver information will be sent home next week. Quarter 2 new testing items: Grace Before Meals and Count to 50. Fall Party Schedule-10/31 1:00-Kindergarten Parents Set-Up School Community Room 1:30-Change into costumes 1:50-Parade Begins 2:30-Classroom Parties Begin Please send costume AND treat bag to school that day. Reading-L2 short /i/ sound Phonics-short /i/ Math-Ch. 2-Subtraction Concepts Social Studies-L8-Timelines Religion-L6-The Church Science-5 Senses-Touch Bully Free-Lesson 6-Golden Rule in the Hallway Snack Helper-Roman Show & Tell-starts with /i/ like iguana Sight Words/Math Facts on assigned day! Math Fluency-Return practice sheet sent on Friday for EXTRA credit! DIBELS-Packet in Red Folder to be documented weekly for EXTRA credit! Wednesday Spelling Test: 2A-fit, pin, rip www.spellingcity.com/missyateskindergarten http://www.missyateskindergarten.com – byates@saintjamesaugusta.org -- (316) 491-3728