2000 Election Al Gore won the popular vote,


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Presentation transcript:

2000 Election Al Gore won the popular vote, but George Bush became president. Why? Popular Vote: the vote for a U.S. president made by qualified voting citizens

To understand, we must look back to the framing of the constitution...

Problems large and small states were suspicious of each other’s power population was spread out with little transportation and communication - they feared each state would elect a local hero people felt that campaigning was bad, “the office should seek the man...”

Solutions Let Congress choose the president Let the state governments choose the president Create a College of Electors to choose the president

How does it work? Each state has electors. The number of electors equals the number of people a state has in Congress If a candidate wins the popular vote in a state, they receive that state’s electoral votes. The candidate who wins a majority of votes (270 out of 538) wins the election.

The Electoral Map

In the 2000 election Al Gore won the most popular votes. But George W. Bush received the most electoral votes, 271 out of the total 538.

1824 John Quincy Adams 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes 1888 Benjamin Harrison Andrew Jackson Samuel J. Tilden Grover Cleveland