Vocabulary Basketball How many points can you get in a day?
Rules Get out something to keep track of your score. Choose one of the following ways to play: I will read the definition, and you will select the correct word on your Bingo board. When you get 5 in a row, say Bingo! (Type Bingo into the chat, or use the mic). You will then read your words. If your words match the definitions I have given, you are the round winner! I will read the synonyms or antonyms, and you will select the correct word on your Bingo board. When you get 5 in a row, say Bingo! (Type Bingo into the chat, or use the mic). You will then read your words. If your words match the synonyms or antonyms I have given, you are the round winner! I will read a sentence using a synonym of a vocabulary word, and you will select the correct word on your Bingo board. When you get 5 in a row, say Bingo! (Type Bingo into the chat, or use the mic). You will then read your words. If your words match the synonyms I have given, you are the round winner! At the end of the game send Mrs. Wilkinson your score! The three highest scores in the class get an awesome basketball sticker!