Chapter 1 Test Objectives Spanish I
What to Study… Exprésate pg 6 Asking name / giving your name Asking who someone is To say who someone is Mas vocabulario pg 8 (greetings and good-byes) Exprésate pg 8 Ask how someone is To respond
What to Study… Exprésate pg 10 Introducing someone Responding to introduction Say you are pleased to meet someone Más Vocabulario pg 10 Who is… He / She is…
What to Study… Exprésate pg 11 Asking where someone is from Saying where you / others are from Subjects and Verbs in Sentences pg 12 Subject Pronouns pg 14 Tú –vs- Usted (informal –vs- formal)
What to Study… Numbers 0-31 pg 18 Exprésate pg 19 Asking for phone numbers / giving phone numbers Time pg 20
What to Study… Exprésate pg 21 (Asking someone date and day / responding) Days of week, months of year, seasons pg 21 Alphabet pg 22 Exprésate pg 23 (asking how to spell / responding)
What to Study… Gramática pg 24 (present tense of SER) Punctuation and written accents pg 26