What Is Happening During Each Month of Pregnancy? Fetal Development What Is Happening During Each Month of Pregnancy?
1(first) Month Brain and spinal cord forming Heart formed and beating Bones forming Eyes and ears forming Weighs less than 1 ounce Length less than 1/8 inch
2 (second) Month All essential organs forming Fingers, toes, and facial features (eyes, nose, lips, ears, and tongue) evident and continuing to develop Brain starting to control organs Length about ½ to ¾ inch
3 (third) Month Arms and legs moving All body parts and organs present Head makes up almost half of fetus size Signs of male and female gender present Heartbeat evident with electronic device
4 (fourth) Month Movements felt by the mother Sucking motions made with the mouth Head and body become proportional Lungs continuing to develop Skin almost transparent Weight about 5 ounces Length about 4 to 5 inches
5 (fifth) Month Nails appear on fingers and toes Fetus more active in womb Fetal heartbeat heard with a stethoscope Breathing movements occurring but lungs not developed enough for survival if born Length about 8 inches
6 (sixth) Month Unique footprints and fingerprints present Responds to outside sounds Actions such as hiccupping, squinting, smiling, and frowning may be seen on ultrasound Weighs about 1 to 1 ½ pounds Length about 8 to 9 inches
7 (seventh) Month Eyelids open and close Good chance of survival if born, may have complications Weight about 2 and 2 ¼ pounds Length about 10 to 13 inches 2 inches
8 (eighth) Month Skin thicker and more color Lungs still developing but good chance of survival with disability risks low Bones fully developed but still soft Length about 16 to 17 inches Weighs about 3 to 4 pounds
9 (ninth) Month Body fat increases Fingernails reach the end of the fingertips If born, high chance of survival but may need some medical care Weight about 5 to 6 pounds Length about 16 to 18 inches
9 Plus Months Fingernails grow beyond the end of the fingertips Mother supplies fetus with antibodies against disease Fetus fills entire uterus Weight greater than 6 pounds Length about 19-21 inches