“The Most Dangerous Game” Before, During, and After Reading Skills By Richard Connell Before, During, and After Reading Skills
Preparing to Read Identify the text features seen on pages 16-17. Identify and define the two Literary Focus elements of this text. Identify and define the Reading Focus skill used in this text. What is the Writing Focus assignment and what are you asked to look for as you read the beginning of the text? Which Vocabulary words do you not recognize? How does this text help you learn new words?
Author Information Read the “Meet the Writer” section on page 18. Make a list of at least three important facts you learn about the author. Circle the detail you think is the most important.
Build Background and Preview the Selection Read the “Build Background” and “Preview the Selection” sections on page 18. Make a list of at least three important facts you learn about the text. Circle the detail you think is the most important.
Literary Response/Analysis “The Most Dangerous Game” Read the text carefully and note the way the author uses text clues to help readers anticipate what will happen next. How does Connell use the events in the story to create feelings of suspense and foreshadowing? Explain your thoughts and ideas and use evidence from the text to support your response.