What is Clue? Clue is a murder mystery game!
What is Clue? A clue is evidence or a hint to something that happened in the past, or will happen in the future. What is clue in Korean? Clue is 실마리 or 단서 in Korean
Detective A detective is a person who solves murders by following clues. Who is a famous detective? Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective.
How do we play the game? Who was the murderer? Where was the murder? To play the game you need to use the clues to find out: Who was the murderer? Where was the murder? What was the weapon? When was the murder?
How do we play the game?
Who was the murderer? Suspects:
Who was the murderer? Suspects: The murder was _______. Who?
Where was the murderer? Place/Location: Choose a place in the house Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom etc… Choose a city in the world The murder was in ___. ex London, England
What was the weapon? How did the person die?
What was the weapon? How did the person die? The victim was killed with ____ A knife An axe A rope Poison Glue Scissors etc
When was the murder? What date was the person killed? The murder was on __. Month + day. October 1st September 22nd August 3rd July 14th
Game: set-up Think of 4 ideas for each Check with teacher Teacher will circle 2 for each Make cards Give cards to teacher
Game: Play Teacher will take out 1 card from each type. All cards are given out to groups. Check cards on sheet.
Game: Play Group ask question to other group Do you have _________ or ______? If yes, show 1 card. Cross off card on sheet Keep going until you know all answers! Then guess time!
How do we play the game?
Guess We think that ______ (who) murdered the victim on ___ (when: date) in ____ (where: city, country) with a _______ (what/how: weapon).