Vocabulary GROUP 15 Pre-AP Blocks 2 and 8 Take 3-column notes in the vocabulary section of your spiral.
Aloof adj. . Reserved or shy. Jenny was acting very aloof when it was her turn to speak to the class.
attribute A quality or characteristic When I was in the sixth grade, I had very good and positive attributes. For Instance, I was always kind and helpful to others.
exotic Strange or different in appearance. Wow! What an exotic flower!
homage Something given in acknowledgement or out of respect. My neighbors paid me homage with a gift card for my help with mowing their lawn and picking up their mail when they were out of town.
irrelevant Not of importance, not relevant. “Hey,” said Dillon. “Want to go to the park?” “Sure!” replied Luke. “I’m a natural artist!” “But Luke, what does art have to do with the park? That’s totally irrelevant,” stated Dillon.
mottled Blotched or spotted in coloring. My mother’s dress was mottled with stains. It’s really disgusting.
subtle Fine or delicate in meaning or intent. Wow. His words are so convincing and subtle, I might just hire him for the new sales position.
precise Exact, sharp, on the ball. His careful movements were so precise, I knew he wouldn’t cut himself.
sleek Smooth and glossy. Those stones down there are so sleek, so glossy. Wow!