The 1867 confederation By: Kv / Karanveer
Why was the 1867 confederation so important? The reason why the 1867 confederation was so important was because it decided, to join colonies and join together. Now the reason WHY they did this was because, the United States, would get attacked much less from Canada if it was an self governing country, but at this time The Britain was controlling Canada. Also why this confederation was so important was because, British colonies, Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia would all come together and just be Canada.
Canada coming together On July, 1 1867, at 12:00 pm New Brunswick, Nova Scotia And Canada came altogether and formed Canada( Nova Scotia and New Brunswick joined Canada). The area that was called Upper Canada is now known as Quebec or Ontario.
John A. Macdonald John A. Macdonald was the first Prime minister of Canada. His role in creating Canada was, his dream to make a transactional railway. Also he was the prime minister of Canada for almost a whole decade. He was born on January 11, 1815, in Glasgow United Kingdom. He died on June, 6 ,1891, In Ottawa. Fun Fact: Is face is on the Canadian 10 dollar sign.
LOUIS Riel Louis Riel was one of the founder's of Manitoba, an political leader for the Metis people. He led two rebellions against the government of Canada and it's first- post confederation, prime minister, John A. Macdonald. In 1869, the Metis wanted to move their territories from the Hudson Bay Company to the dominion of Canada and Louis Riel helped the Metis Move .(Because he was in "control of the Metis territories). Louis Riel was born on: October 22, 1844, Saint Boniface , Winnipeg And he died on: November 16, 1885, Regina.