Bob Nicholson My Leader
How did you start out? Created NHL Hockey for Kids aged 10 and under at the Oak Bay Rec Center This program is now the foundation for hockey programs across Canada and is used in 50 countries around the world.
Inspirations and Mentors Dad, Grant Nicholson Murray Costello, first ever president of Hockey Canada
Personal Life Need a supportive family Positives and Negatives
What is the pinnacle of your career so far? Winning gold in Salt Lake City (First men’s Olympic Gold Medal) Winning double gold medals in Vancouver in 2010 (Women’s and Men’s Hockey)
What is your proudest moment? Sledge Hockey gold medal in 2006 (Torino)
What mountain would you die on? Players first Safe and fun environment
Challenges Difficult decisions are not always what other people want Forced to keep up to the world around you Everything you do has a legal slant to it
Overcoming Challenges Build lots of bridges Continue to grow and expand Have good partnerships
Building a “team” Identify the strengths of people around you Have a clear vision Make sure that everyone feels important and has a sense of belonging
Do you see yourself as a good leader? “It’s not how I see myself, it is how others see me” Make time for self evaluation
Leadership Style Inclusive Make fast, accurate decisions Give clear direction Working toward a common goal
Qualities of a good leader Build personal relationships Deal with conflicts in a fair way Getting everyone on board Hold people accountable Have a team approach Create a clear vision Use the strengths of the people around you
What legacy will you leave? Strong financial side of hockey operations Great partners (Nationally and internationally) Strong Youth Hockey Programs
“No one person is a great leader by himself, they have to be influenced and supported by their team”