Terms MT: Allele Frequency
Frequency Def: how often something occurs Examples: Alice bounces the basketball 60 times in one minute. Frequency = ? Which has a higher frequency in our classroom – blonde hair or dark hair? 60 bounces/minute Dark hair has a higher frequency
Allele Def: A type of a gene that is at a specific spot on a chromosome Have a pair: 1 from mom, 1 from dad From mom From dad
Gene Def: Piece of DNA that codes for a protein (not same as allele)
Mutation Def: A change in DNA sequence Normal Chromosome Duplication in normal chromosome Mutant Chromosome
Lethal Def: Deadly; can kill an organism
Gene Pool All of the DNA (genes) in a population of organisms that sexually reproduce in an area Ex: all of the human genes in the world or all of the human genes in California
Phenotype An organism's physical appearance based on an interaction of its genes and environment Ex: fur color, eye color, # toes, hair texture, speed, intelligence
Genotype The genes (DNA) an organism has Ex: BB or Bb or bb for eye color
Variation Def: A difference from others
Natural Selection Process in nature in which the most fit for their environment have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing Which mouse is most fit? Why?