Nutrition and Energy Flow Food Webs/Food Chains
The Producers Autotrophs Plants – use the sun’s energy to create food (photosynthesis) Types – Grass, Trees, & Green Algae Importance-other organisms rely on autotrophs for nutrients and energy.
The Consumers Heterotrophs Can not make its own food/feeds on other organisms Types – Herbivore, Carnivore, Scavengers & Omnivores Decomposers break down dead and decaying plants and animals
Food Chain A model used to show how matter and energy move through an ecosystem. Nutrients & Energy move from autotrophs to heterotrophs and eventually to decomposers
Food Chain
Trophic Level Each organism
Food Web Shows all possible feeding relationships at each trophic level in a community More realistic than the food chain Most organisms depend on more than one species for food.
Food Web