Bellwork: Friday, November 3 Write 2 simple sentences. Write 2 compound sentences. Write 2 complex sentences. Write 1 compound-complex sentence. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BOOK TO READ. YOU WILL LOCATE EACH SENTENCE TYPE IN YOUR BOOK AND WRITE IT AND THE CORRECT CITATION ON A SHEET OF PAPER.
Peer Review: Round One You will get one of these handouts. There is a copy on the front and a copy on the back. Write your name in the “Author” spot on both sides. Exchange your paper and this sheet with a peer as instructed. Read your peer’s paper and go through the checklist. Add comments where necessary. Return this sheet and the essay to your peer. Repeat #3-5 with another classmate.
Peer Review: Round Two You will get one of these handouts. There is a copy on the front only. Write your name in the “Author” spot. Exchange your paper and this sheet with a peer as instructed. Read your peer’s paper and go through the checklist. Add comments where necessary. Return this sheet and the essay to your peer.
Peer Review: Round Three You will get one of these handouts. There is a copy on the front only. Write your name in the “Your Name” spot. Read through your essay and then complete this checklist. Exchange your paper and this sheet with a peer as instructed. Write your name in the “Peer’s name” spot. Read your peer’s paper and go through the checklist. Add comments where necessary. Return this sheet and the essay to your peer.
Peer Review and Revision If you complete all three rounds of peer review today, hooray! Then you can reflect on what you need to change and begin making those changes. If you do not finish all three rounds of peer review today, you will have Monday – and only Monday – to complete it and make a revision plan. You will get one of these handouts. There is a copy on the front only. Write your name in the “Your Name” spot. Read through your essay and then complete this checklist. Exchange your paper and this sheet with a peer as instructed. Write your name in the “Peer’s name” spot. Read your peer’s paper and go through the checklist. Add comments where necessary. Return this sheet and the essay to your peer.