Robotic Process for Installing Hull Inserts March 12-14, 2019 Charleston, SC Presented by: Ryan Taylor & Joseph Meeker DCN# 43-5020-19 Prepared under ONR Contract N00014-16-D-4001 as part of the Navy ManTech Program
Agenda Current problem installing hull inserts Purpose of project Project overview Project objectives Missile Tube to Keel Process (MT2K) Project expectations Phase overviews Risk Schedule
Problem The installation of hull inserts in VIRGINIA Class Submarines (VCS) requires approximately 45,000 labor hours per hull. The COLUMBIA Class Submarine (CCS) is expected to have a more inserts. In the current process, the trades locate and layout the insert on the hull, cut the opening in the hull with oxy-fuel cutting, bevel the hull weld joint with oxy-fuel cutting, grind to desired surface finish, and semi-automatically weld the insert into place. Complex welds due to constantly varying bevel angles to be consisted with the curvature of the hull. *Often requires re-work. *No commercial off the shelf technology available for hull insert cutting, beveling, grinding, and welding.
Purpose Improve the hull insert installation processes for VCS and CCS. Investigate, develop, and prototype a robotic hull insert installation system that increases weld quality. Reduce labor hours from the following: Locating/layout Cutting/Beveling Fitting Welding Paradigm shift in robotic manufacturing Ability to bring robot to the part rather bringing the part to the robot Large unique parts with high tolerances and critical dimensions Versatile automation in variable work environments Ex: Bring robot to the hull rather than assembly line fashion in automotive industry Repeatable and predictable process Support critical dimensions Produce X-ray quality welding
Project Overview 30 Month Project 3 Phases 5-year ROI ≈ 2 Phase I – Identify System Requirements 5/7/18 – 10/5/18 Phase II – Demonstrate System Functionality via Simulation 10/8/18 – 9/13/19 Phase III – Demonstrate Robotic Hull Installation Process Using a Prototype System in the Shipyard 9/16/19 – 11/16/20 5-year ROI ≈ 2
Objectives System will be designed to robotically locate/layout, cut, bevel, grind, and weld hull penetration and their mating inserts First Article Cutting System (FACS) purchased for the MT2K project will be used to prototype the hull insert installation processes Facility has FACS readily available used for prototyping. Requirements will be defined for system/weld procedure qualification Business case will be developed to support system procurement Implementation plan will be created *Leverage MT2k technology and apply to hull inserts project
Missile Tube to Keel Process The MT2K process pioneered the development of a modular missile tube construction, with an estimated $45M cost savings per ship. First large-scale use of robotic cutting and welding for submarines. This design utilized 4 different vendor sources. Fixture design and manufacture As-Built Data Analysis Robotic Cutting/ Beveling Robotic welding
Missile Tube to Keel Process The MT2k process involves accuracy control to map out the keel and missile tube utilizing 3D metrology software. Data obtained from software is used to identify as- built configuration to accurately define and create the robotic cut/ bevel path. The surface is then prepared for welding, using specific grind media to achieve repeatable accuracy. Welding is then accomplished by using an adaptive path planning process to deposit multi-pass/ multilayer welds. *Multiple geometrical challenges will be faced in integrating an as built system for this Hull Inserts task.
Cutting and Welding Cutting application utilizes a high pressure Oxy-Fuel cutting configuration. Welding is achieved by remote operation though different arc and surveillance cameras. Operators on both systems have the ability to view their parameters to ensure optimal operation. This will be the same methodology for Hull Inserts *However a modified approach may be required due to differences in joint, bevel, and geometrical configurations .
First Article Cutting System During the prototyping of the hull inserts project the FACS used in the MT2k will be modified by outfitting a welding torch to the cutting system. An ABB IRB 4600 Industrial Robot will be used for development of this phase. 6 axis system with a payload up to 130lbs and a working range up to 8 ft. The final purchased system may not be the same system used during prototyping. ABB IRB 4600 Robot
Hull Insert Expectations Reduction in total hours by: having robot scan as-built geometry of the insert to then match the robotically cut hole in hull. Reducing weld time due to the majority of the weld being completed robotically. Robotically beveling the outsourced inserts . Accurately locate the system on the side of the hull relative to the ships x, y, z coordinate system and to then accurately locate and cut the hole for the hull insert MT2K project increased efficiency (~50% for welding & ~75% for cutting). 2 Robots, 1 for cutting & 1 for welding.
Phase I Identify System Requirements (5/7/18 – 10/5/18) Task 1 – Project Initiation Electric Boat hosted kick-off meeting Technology Transition Plan feedback provided to CNM Task 2 – Define Application Criteria for Hull Insert Installation Processes Identify and categorize hull inserts candidates Baseline of current process and define future state Down select a target joint for system development Reporting Task 3 – Technical Requirements Definition Baseline current MT2k system Market survey of robotic capabilities Develop System Functional Specifications Task 4 – Phase I Reporting Project team recommended a “Go” for Phase II execution Phase I review hosted by EB
Phase II Demonstrate System Functionality via Simulation (10/8/18 – 9/13/19) Task 5 – Determine LOE to Modify First Article Cutting System for the MT2k Project Task 6 – Software Modification Task 7 – Develop Simulation and Test Plan Task 8 – Phase II Reporting
Phase III Demonstrate Robotic Hull Installation Process with Prototype System in Shipyard (9/16/19 – 11/16/20) Task 9 – Perform Cutting and Grinding Testing Task 10 – Perform Bevel Testing Task 11 – Perform Weld Testing Task 12 – Create and Execute Qualification Support Test Plan Task 13 – Verify System Scalability Task 14 – Develop Implementation Plan Task 15 – Final Reporting
Schedule Overview
Project Team Neil Graf – Program Officer Dale Orren – Deputy Director Bobby Mashburn – Project Manager Ryan Frankart – Project Technical Representative Charles McNamara – PMS 450 Dave Hart – LCE Steve Fuqua – PMS 397 Larry Becker – BAH Matt Sinfield – NSWCCD 05P TA Jeff Farren – NSWCCD 05P TA Ned Kaminski – Technical SME and Lead Process Engineer Derek McKee – Lead Ryan Taylor – Co-Lead John Iraci – ManTech Program Manager Amanda Scott – ManTech Coordinator Nancy Porter – Sr. Project Manager/Welding Engineer Bill Tomich – Welding Engineer Mike Carney – Welding Engineer Steve Blevins – Project Manager/Welding Engineer
Questions Ryan Taylor ManTech Technical Lead General Dynamics, Electric Boat Corp. 401-268-3578 Derek Mckee ManTech Technical Lead General Dynamics, Electric Boat Corp. 401-268-3676 John Michael Iraci ManTech Program Manager General Dynamics, Electric Boat Corp. 860-867-3519 DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.