Five Steps for Identifying Trouble Ask questions. Name the trouble. State the consequences. Suggest an alternative. Move it, sell it, and leave the door open. Grade 6 | Lesson 7
REFUSAL Strategy Toolbox Say a direct “no.” Repeat the refusal over and over. Suggest another activity. Say why not by giving an opinion or a reason. Walk away. Grade 6 | Lesson 7
Practice Standing Up to Pressure I will show you a situation. Refuser “B”: You will respond out loud to the situation. Pretend you are talking to the person in the situation. Observer “C”: You will be silent. Observe the refuser. At the end, you will give feedback on what the refuser did well. Use the rubric “Standing Up to Pressure” as a guide. Next time, you will switch roles. Grade 6 | Lesson 7
Partner B: (Ask questions.) Your Place or Mine? You have a crush on Taylor. You think Taylor likes you, too. It is after school, and you are talking to Taylor… Taylor: Nice shirt... You look hot! Let’s hang out. You wanna come to my place? Partner B: (Ask questions.) Taylor: I wanna be alone with you. We can hang out and get to know each other. My folks won’t be home for a couple hours. We could really have some fun! Partner B: (Name the trouble. State the consequences. Suggest an alternative.) Taylor: No, I don’t wanna do that. Come to my place. Partner B: (Move it. Sell it. Leave the door open.) Grade 6 | Lesson 7
Partner C: (Ask questions.) Party Persuasion: You are new at school and you still feel out of place. Riley is the only person who even talks to you. Riley has lots of friends but they don’t say much to you either. After school, Riley invites you… Riley: Hey! This is your lucky day! I’m having a party, and all my best friends are going to come. Of course, that means you, too! Partner C: (Ask questions.) Riley: It’s Saturday. Everyone’s going to be there... except my parents, of course. That’s what’s so cool—no adults! I’ve been stashing away some of their beer in my room, so they won’t notice it’s gone. And here’s the best part—Tony thinks you’re hot and wants to hook up! Partner C: (Name the trouble. State the consequences. Suggest an alternative.) Riley: Quit being a baby! No wonder you don’t have any friends. Come on! You’re with me... right? Partner C: (Move it. Sell it. Leave the door open.) Grade 6 | Lesson 7