Characteristics and Notable details Post Modernism Characteristics and Notable details
Post-modernism and Truth Truth is not to be trusted What is true today can be false tomorrow Truth can be altered by culture and human experience
Post Modernism & Human Experience Unstable Discontinuous Indeterminate Internally contradictory “Jagged" Unfinished With no one specific reality possible Ambiguous Fragmented Inconclusive
What does that mean for the reader? Chronology is tampered with You are introduced to worlds that won’t 100% make sense EVERYTHING will be open to interpretation
Elements to watch out for… Irony Dramatic Situational Verbal (truth) Playfulness Wordplay Meta writing “Smash-ups”/ Pastiche Black Humor Laugh at things that are serious Intertextuality (reference or parallel to another literary work, an extended discussion of a work, or the adoption of a style) Technoculture/Hyper- reality and Paranoia Magical Realism