Section 5: Wilson’s New Freedom


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Presentation transcript:

Section 5: Wilson’s New Freedom

Learning Target Describe Woodrow Wilson's progressive reforms. Chapter 9 Section 5: Wilson’s New Freedom Describe Woodrow Wilson's progressive reforms.

Program Called New Freedom: Wilson’s Background Grew up during C.W. and Reconstruction Becomes a History Professor Democrat and Progressive Program Called New Freedom: Power to individual Attacks “Triple Wall of Privilege” Trust Tariff Finance

Trusts Clayton Anti-Trust Act -no monopolies, unions could exist How would he police businesses? FTC- watchdog of business

Tariff Underwood Tariff: Told Americans to demand, got it! Lower tariff Told Americans to demand, got it!

Finance Federal Income Tax Had to pay for deficit created by lower tariff. How? 16th amendment: Graduated income tax More you made, more you paid Finance

Half-time Break Rock, Paper, Scissors 1.Turn to the person on your right— 2. Discuss the following question before the music stops. 3. Do “Rock, Paper, Scissors” to determine who is going to talk when I call for an answer. **How were the lowering of tariffs and introduction of the income tax related?

The Federal Reserve Federal Reserve Provided help for banks in trouble Made new private banking system Provided help for banks in trouble Control currency

Women’s Rights Suffrage More active, picketed White House Alice Paul became leader of young women More active, picketed White House Willing to be arrested Including poor and working women Won 19th amendment in 1920

Limits of Progressivism: Civil Rights were not won for minorities Segregation remained NAACP feels betrayed World War I ends movement as county focuses on war

Learning Target Describe Woodrow Wilson's progressive reforms. Chapter 9 Section 5: Wilson’s New Freedom Describe Woodrow Wilson's progressive reforms.