Reducing Fractions and More Fractions to Decimals
Today’s Objectives IWBAT reduce fractions to their simplest form. IWBAT review converting from fractions to decimals. IWBAT confidently convert between fractions, decimals, and percents.
Definition Lowest Form of a Fraction – When the only common factor of the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) is 1.
Um, how do I get it “lowest form”?
Steps for Reducing Fractions Example 1.) Figure out which number goes into both the numerator and denominator If you don’t know, try 2, 3, or 5. 2.) Divide 3.) Lather, Rinse, Repeat … 4.) UNTIL THE ONLY NUMBER THAT GOES INTO BOTH IS 1.
Try these:
Reducing Fractions is … EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY
Now let’s reduce fractions and then convert them to decimals Now let’s reduce fractions and then convert them to decimals. It’ll be a crazy good time!!!
Your mission is to reduce the fractions to lowest form and then convert to decimals.
Try these:
Your turn!
Now, it’s GAME time!!! Are you ready to rumble?!