Case studies on gender and trade Kyoko Kusakabe Asian Institute of Technology
Woman worker at SEZ Ms. Lay’s land was taken by tourism developer who got an economic land concession for that area Since Ms. Lay’s family became landless, Ms. Lay decided to go to the capital to work at garment factory at SEZ. Her family lives on her remittances. EU decided to end the Everything But Arms (EBA) Less overtime Her father got sick and family need more money Shall she go back home to look after father?
Possible scenario of mobility of nurses under AEC in Thailand (Satchanawakul 2013 chart by Yamamoto 2015) Medical tourism Foreign Investment Private hospitals in cities Public hospitals in rural areas Public Budget Cut ASEAN Nurses Non-civil servants Nurses Non-civil servants Gender and border trade (fish) ? ? Deterioration of maternal and child health? Care deficits in rural and for the poor
Other border checkpoints Fishers Fish lot owner Collectors Middlepersons Wholesaler Exporter Thai trader (stall) Thai trader (pickup trucks) Transporters Domestic wholesaler Retailer Cambodia market Small traders Other border checkpoints Thai trader (motorbikes) Thai fish exporter (stall) Small traders (import) Market in Poipet town Thai markets Restaurants Before reaching the Thai border, there are several fees collected. Before, there was three warehouses, where they were licensed to export, and all traders needed to go through there. After that has been abolished, there emerged collections by DoF (2 places), economic police (2 places), and custom along the road and at the border. (livestock)? In Thai side, they need to pay for the custom and the importer. 29 exporters? Small traders many say that there are 20 regular traders. However, in BMC, there is one village (55 HHs) that are totally dependent on fish trade. Some switched to importing, but professional traders (even small) do not go into importing, since the fish market in cambodia is too small.
Group work Identify what are the problems in these cases in terms of women’s employment and gender equality. What changes will you introduce and why? Why do you think your suggested measures will benefit women/ improve gender equality? You can come up with as many measures as you want.