Infectious vs. Noninfectious Diseases Project
Project Instructions Working with a partner (teacher approved), you will research and compare an Infectious disease with a Non-Infectious disease. Each person will be assigned a different disease and together you will create one google slides presentation that compares the two types of diseases. The presentation should address factors such as the cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease. Project Presentations of your google slides will occur in class on Friday, March 1st. Yes, everyone must present – it’s part of the grade!
Day 1 – Assigning Diseases Get with a partner and sit together at one table. Check out ONE laptop to share. One person will be assigned an Infectious Disease – draw from the container to see which disease you will be assigned. The other person will be assigned a Non-Infectious Disease – draw from the container to see which disease you will be assigned. Write the disease names in your research chart.
Day 1 - Research Go to Google Classroom to find links for your research. Do NOT just google the disease name! If you find another website to use for research it must be teacher approved. Work together to complete both sides of the research chart for your assigned diseases. You will have some time for research tomorrow, but your goal is to finish the research today.
Day 2 – Google Slides Create a Google Slides presentation and share it with your partner AND your teacher. (aabernathy or gdwoods) Look carefully at the rubric to see what specific information should be included on each slide. Each person is responsible for their assigned disease. There should be at least 6 slides. Each slide should contain at least one relevant picture.
Day 3 – Finish Google Slides and Prep for Presentation Finish your Google Slides today in class. Double check the rubric to make sure you included everything necessary. Discuss and prepare for the presentation tomorrow. Figure out who is presenting which slides. Make sure the slides and presentation are easy to understand. Think about your audience and what would be interesting to them.