What You Need to Know About… SKIN CANCER & BURNS
What is a BURN? Tissue damage & cell death caused by: Heat, electricity, UV radiation, or chemicals.
What is a BURN? Tissue damage & cell death caused by: Heat, electricity, UV radiation, or chemicals. The body loses fluid supply – electrolyte imbalance and dehydration follow; fluids must be replaced immediately!
RULE OF NINES method used to determine the volume of fluid lost. This method divides the body into 11 areas and each area accounts for 9 percent of the total body SURFACE AREA. BOTH the anterior and posterior head and neck is estimated as 9% of body.
CLASSIFICATION OF BURNS: First-degree burn: only the epidermis is damaged. What is usually considered a first degree burn? sunburn
CLASSIFICATION OF BURNS: Second-degree burn: the epidermis & upper dermis are damaged. What is the appearance of the skin? red and blisters Can regeneration of the epithelium occur? yes (some epithelium still present)
CLASSIFICATION OF BURNS: Third-degree burn: destroys entire thickness of skin These burns are referred to as FULL thickness burns. Skin grafts are necessary because regeneration is no longer a possibility.
SKIN CANCER BENIGN vs. MALIGNANT Cancerous skin tumors that spread and invade other body areas are malignant. BIGGEST RISK FACTOR FOR SKIN CANCER IS overexposure to UV radiation.
3 TYPES OF SKIN CANCER: 1) Basal cell carcinoma Least malignant / most common type. Cells of the stratum basale cannot form keratin. No longer is a boundary between epidermis and dermis.
3 TYPES OF SKIN CANCER: 2) Squamous cell carcinoma Arises from the cells of stratum spinosum. This epidermal cancer is also believed to be sun-induced.
3 TYPES OF SKIN CANCER: 3) malignant melanoma Cancer of PIGMENT PRODUCING CELLS or melanocytes. About 5% of skin cancers are this type. Melanoma can begin wherever there is pigment; some cancers develop from pigmented moles. Often deadly; chance for survival is about 50%. Early detection is key!
ABCDE Rule Used to examine spot of high pigment or moles Early detection of skin cancer! A asymmetry two sides do not look the same B border irregularity indentations are visible – not smooth C color blacks, tans, browns – sometimes reds and blues D diameter larger than the size of a pencil eraser – 6 mm E evolving changes over time