New Approaches to Civil Rights in 70s


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Presentation transcript:

New Approaches to Civil Rights in 70s 1970s: Advance social, political, and legal status

Equal Access to ED Busing to integrate neighborhoods > protest/riots in many communities – Boston 1971: Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Ed > SC ruled children could be bused outside of their neighborhood to achieve desegregation of schools “white flight” – parochial schools movement 1974: Miliken v. Bradley > Bussing across district lines unconstitutional

Affirmative Action Meant to solve Econ and Ed discrimination “Equal opportunity employment to prevent discrimination on the basis of “color, religion, sex, or national origin” (used in hiring and college admissions) University of California Regents v. Bakke Ruled that institutions could use race as a criteria but could not create fixed quotas for minorities

Civil Rights Leaders Jesse Jackson Aid to MLK Established RAINBOW PUSH COALITION (People United to Save Humanity) -social justice, civil rights, pol activism

Civil Rights Leaders Shirley Chisholm 1st Afr-Amer Congresswoman; started: Congressional Black Caucus Promoted African-American Agenda to Congress

CR for the Disabled - Section 504 “No otherwise qualified individual … shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

How would you rate the US on equality of Education? (including higher Ed) opportunity when it comes to employment? Why is the US still having racial unrest and discrimination today? How can the US overcome it?