Semester 2 Week 6 Bellwork
Write down the following terms and their definitions: Freshmen Monday Write down the following terms and their definitions: Conjure: summon into action or bring into existence Consort: keep company with Jest: joke around Entreat: Ask for or request earnestly Vast: unusually large in size or scope
Freshmen and sophomores Block Period 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Affect= Verb Effect= Noun It’s simple cause and ____________. Being on your phone too much can ___________ your thinking. Everyone is doing it, it’s classic bandwagon ___________. Your attitude doesn’t really _________ me. She’s putting on an ___________.
Have you ever made an impulsive decision that you regretted? Freshmen block period 2 Journal. Write five full sentences and include/underline a vocab word from Monday. Have you ever made an impulsive decision that you regretted?
Sophomore Block Period 2 Journal. Write seven full sentences. How are you doing with your classes this semester? What steps could you take to improve or maintain your progress?
Write an original sentence for each term: Freshmen Friday Write an original sentence for each term: Conjure: summon into action or bring into existence Consort: keep company with Jest: joke around Entreat: Ask for or request earnestly Vast: unusually large in size or scope
Journal. Write seven full sentences. Sophomore Friday Journal. Write seven full sentences. List one of your pet peeves and tell me why it annoys you.