To Honor the Natural Cycle of Learning As Designed by God GOAL: To Honor the Natural Cycle of Learning As Designed by God Carolina Conference Constituency Session August 20, 2011 Presentation By Pamela C. Forbes, Associate Superintendent of Education
Remember School? Think back to when you were in school. Do you remember what helped you to learn? Do you remember that some kids were smarter than others were? Which one were you? Which one was your child?
At five, you were a Genius! Did you know that when we enter Kindergarten that all of us are geniuses? What do you think happens? What happened?
The education of most youth is a failure. -3 T pp. 152, 153
We now know, at least in part, why this is true. It has to do with how school is mostly designed for one mind style.
We looked at history, science, math, chemistry classes. The twos were always higher than the other mind styles.
English GPA by Learning Style There will be a pretty consistent theme throughout—type 2 and 3 students (which are your typical “good” students) significantly outperform type 1 and 4 students. GPA reports are from 1st semester of this school year, but are likely reflective of students’ ongoing experiences).
History GPA by Learning Style
Math GPA by Learning Style Note the high A average for type 2 students vs. the D average for type 4’s.
Science GPA by Learning Style Science has more balance between learning styles mainly because we have “tracked” students according to their previous success in prerequisite classes. So type 4 students typically end up in basic classes—physical science and survey of chemistry instead of physics and chemistry, for example. This results in better grades for these students, but at what cost in terms of their opportunities in the future? Are we essentially telling most type 4’s they cant become doctors or engineers? See the next slide for a breakdown of who is taking what science course.
Chemistry/Survey Students by Learning Style Chemistry in grey Survey of Chemistry green There are no type 4 students in the regular chemistry class and no type 2 or 3 students in survey. This is okay if the tracking is based primarily on student interest, but if it is based on grades, which are impacted by learning and teaching styles, then that is problematic.
Honor Roll % by Learning Style Type 4 would be even lower than 39% except that only half the type 4 juniors and 1 of the seniors are taking a math class, and none are taking the hardest math or sciences we offer.
PSAT Averages by Learning Style Green is type 2 Yellow is type 3 Blue is type 1 Brown is type 4 Focus on the math discrepancy—75 out of a possible 80 for 2’s and 21 out of possible 80 for 4’s. Green is 2, yellow is 3, blue is 1, and brown is 4.
Average points by students by learning style in 1 semester—First discipline begins at 21 points.
Note zero discipline issues for 2’s.
Some might say that Madison’s scenario is not a normal breakdown of what student learning styles are like in other schools.
HOWEVER, SDA Education Excels . . . Is it possible that only a small percentage of our students carry the scores?
We taught equally to all mind styles? What if . . . We taught equally to all mind styles?
God’s Design of the Brain The Cycle of Learning God’s Design of the Brain
Many are unconscious of talents they possess. These talents, if properly developed, would raise them to equality with the world’s most honored. - Forbes Paraphrase, DA p. 250 “The touch of a skillful hand is needed to arouse those dormant faculties.” - White, DA p. 250
To Honor the Natural Cycle of Learning As Designed by God GOAL: To Honor the Natural Cycle of Learning As Designed by God Thank –you for supporting Adventist Education.