Create a community of learners
1. Developing a Campus Culture Examine the current school culture in relation to its function and success of the school. Look at which traditions benefit the school and which disrupt and detract growth. What are the teacher’s, student’s, and parent’s feeling toward these traditions. Study the ethos, perceived feel exhibited by the school upon entrance and participation. Culture is how the school does things. Climate is the way it’s inhabitants feels.
2. Creating a Community of Learners The school is the learning in the community and the entire community is to be involved in the schools learning. Create a vision and select staff with the same core values. Addressing conflict rather than avoiding it. Empowering individuals by setting clear short and long term goals.
3.Involvement of Community Members The school and community need to have the same goals. Local business should know the schools values and goals. Then they will be in position to support them. Non-profit and Charity groups can be very supportive in learning concepts of civic responsibility.
4. Building Transformational Leadership Successful schools are progressive. Static schools slide into regression. Success depends on the Principals ability describe his vision for the future. The staff, students, parents, and community must pursue this vision successfully in order to obtain forward progress toward the desired goals.
5. Leading Campus Improvement When goals are obtained celebrate. Then set new goals for steady growth toward the vision. All budget decisions should be aligned to school goals and vision. The leader establishes a realistic and achievable timeline for the school to achieve the vision's goals.
Celebrating is easy and simple so, “Just do It !”
6. Celebrations Reinforce the Campus and Community Successes I believe celebration supports Maslow’s social needs hierarchy self-esteem and self fulfillment. Celebrations should come at regular intervals. Cost should not be a factor. Spend what you have. Include everyone in some celebrations. Have the community involved in some of the celebrations.
Summary Making time and opportunities for rites, rituals, and celebrations that will become traditions, that will make reaching goals a culture. The schools culture determines the learning and success climate. “School leaders must be committed to the development of a school culture that facilitates growth and success for everyone.” p. 42Reinhartz
What cultures will you keep? What cultures will you create?
Questions Describe the climate (feeling) of your dream school? How do you facilitate a culture of success in staff and students? What would you do to reinvigorate a stale attitude toward the culture of success? How would you handle an apathetic faculty does not want extracurricular activities?