Use it or lose it 10/29/13
Warm-up Name 1 subject or activity you struggle with. Describe why you find it difficult List 2 things you have done to improve
Building Connections There are 2 times during a person’s life when he/she is building connections at a tremendous rate. Anyone want to guess at what age this happens? Read Sh 13 Why is baby brain growth important to our discussion of how your brain works?
The Adolescent brain Big brain growth occurs right before puberty or at age 11-12 Ages 13 – 18 experience a pruning process. Getting rid of weak or unused connections allowing a person to focus on the connections that are the strongest It is important to get a sufficient amount of sleep at this age to aid in the pruning and growth process (10 hours a night)
What skills am I building Sh 19 To figure out what skills you are building/losing, you are going to create a bar graph. Each box = 15 minutes You can only include time in class if you are paying attention the whole time.
Reflection Are you seeing any relationships between your strengths and weaknesses and how much time you spend on these activities/day? What is important to me now? For the future? Am I spending my time on things that are important both now and in the future?
Case Study: Garfield High In this case study, we are examining a group of high school students from Garfield High Annotate: What was expected of this group of students? What do you know about Garfield High? What was the student’s goal? How did they achieve it?
Passing on the Knowledge Sh 22 Write a letter to the future 7th graders explaining how to grow their intelligence Think in terms of advice and evidence you would like to pass along. Use your vocab words: persistent, persevering, axon, dendrite, synapse, neurotransmitters, neurons, cerebrum, cerebellum, cortex, brain stem…
Exit ticket Complete the portfolio checklist for units 1-3 on page p20