World Bank Initiatives on Capacity Building in Trade Facilitation Gerald Ollivier Transport Specialist
Range of tools Modality Audience Policy Makers Public Sector Officials Private Sector Self standing initiatives WBI workshops Discussion forum GDLN, Broadcast PREM Trade Note WBI Workshops Discussion forum GDLN, Broadcast Toolkit, Handbook GFP-DLI Toolkit, Handbook Workshops Economic sector work Integrated Framework Policy notes Workshops Flagship reports Policy notes Workshops Flagship reports Methodology sharing Logistic reviews and tools Surveys (result/impl.) Projects Seminars/tours Awareness Training Workshops Seminar/tour/technical/ management training Methodology Perf. Measurement Equipment/facilities Technical training/services/ seminars/workshops
World Bank Institute Seminars for Policy Makers TF training covering Customs, standards, logistics, coordination Egypt TF workshop April 2004 Other seminars potentially scheduled in South Asia, East Asia ( ) A number of focus countries
World Bank Projects 40 projects on Trade and Transport Facilitation (~US$2.5 billion) 88 transport or trade facilitation projects with capacity building components Broad range of topics to increase demand, improve supply reduce costs Wide range of options (direct delivery, consultant services, public-private delivery..)
An Example : TTFSE Program Definition of Strategic Plan Review of procedures Implementation at pilot sites Use of GFP/WCO/EC tools/tours by Customs DGs Capacity Building in Customs Capacity Building in Private Sector: more informed compliance Conventional training (3000 people trained) Programs with certifications (100 people trained) Website to increase transparency Public- Private dialogue Regional cooperation Donor cooperation
TTFSE Seminars >3000 participants to workshops, 59 cities Topics: business ethics, corruption, international delivery terms, commercial transaction documents, trade payment methods, transport operations and Customs transit procedures, for SMEs. Train-the-trainer regional effort, local delivery Co-financed by Chambers of Commerce/PRO Committees and the US State Department, Low average cost of seminar delivery
Partnership with others >>Share capacity building/training component/methodology Coordinated inputs building on each partner comparative advantage Facilitate the emergence of global training programs GFP-Distance Learning Initiative, WCO, ICC Guidelines,UNECE/UNCTAD/ITC
Ex.Supply Chain Management Overall goal : build capacity of firms to join international supply chains successfully Preparation of a program for the World Bank for Latin America available for extension elsewhere, with Dutch funding Lead Professional Partner: TRAINMAR Americas Program Committee members Consultants : Deloitte and Touche, Erasmus University Planned for piloting in October Target group: professionals in transport and logistics
Trade Logistic Group Work Program TTFA Implementation: Country-Based Action Plans TTF Performance Indicators Database: Methodology and Collection Customs Modernization Handbook Customs Time Release Software Implementation DLI Courses Development and Rollout of Existing Courses to Other Regions Research: (i) Cost of TTF Measures; (ii) Impact and Cost of Transport Security Guidelines; (iii) Trade- expansion Effect of TTF Measures GFP/UN TF Network Website: Maintenance and Upkeep
Global Facilitation Partnership for Transportation and Trade 1. Strategic Objectives 2. Activities 3. Distance Learning Initiative
Quick History Launched June 1999 Founding Partners: WCO, ICC, IECC, UNCTAD, WB April 2004: 155 Partners with varied expectations Institutions: WTO, IMF, EU, OAS, UNECE etc. Professional Organizations: IRU, IAPH, ICAO, IMO, etc. Private Sector: 83 companies 40 Partners from Part II Countries
Strategic Objective (MOU) To achieve significant improvements in transport and trade facilitation in developing and transition countries Pooling of resources and expertise (research/projects) Share knowledge and ideas Emphasis on TTF audits, performance measurement, capacity building
Activities (1) General Meetings: Feb 2000 (Was), Jun 2001 (Was), Feb 2003 (Bru), Jun 2003 (Was), Nov 2003 (Bru) Products: Trade and Transport Facilitation Toolkit (IECC – J. Raven) and its application Distance Learning (GFP-DLI) Customs Time Release Software (WCO) underway
Activities (2) Knowledge Dissemination with UNTF ( Over 200 Reference Documents now on the GFP website About 50 Topics maintained by Core Partners open for your contributions Open for other activities
Governance Steering Committee WB, WCO, ICC, UNCTAD, UNECE First Meeting Nov. 5, 2003 Brussels Core Partners WB, WCO, UNCTAD, UNECE, IRU, UNIDO, TIACA
… and Coordination UNCTAD, WCO, EU now promote GFP as a useful cooperation vehicle to help coordinate actions of multiple actors: IFIs, Bilaterals, UN agencies, Private Groups At the Regional Level, GFP can help empower Regional Communities to take up TTF issues with their Member Countries
GFP Distance Learning Initiative Facilitate the emergence of global communities of qualified and recognized professionals providing trade, transport and logistic services, based on knowledge and know-how sharing. Foster cooperation among donors, training institutions,professional partners and professionals to maximize impact of capacity building efforts. >>Distance learning, blended training and conventional training.
GFP-DLI Activities Support the development and rollout out of training programs with certification by an international partner. Two courses on Road Transport (IRU) for Southeast Europe, China/Russia about to get involved, Freight Forwarding (FIATA): four countries of Southeast Europe being piloted Supply Chain Management (TRAINMAR)-Latin America Stimulate the pooling of appropriate training material/development of a knowledge based network
Thank you! Gerald Ollivier Websites GFP Website : (to register as a partner click on Become a Partner on the home page; as an individual, click on Register as a person) GFP-DLI Website: