Miss Rajchel and Mr Walker Autumn Term Class K Miss Rajchel and Mr Walker Science We are learning about Light - how we see things, how light travels, how shadows are formed. We shall simultaneously be developing our investigative skills, working in groups to design experiments, carry them out and record in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams. Vikings! This term we are learning about the Vikings! We are looking at how the Vikings impacted the world today, specifically in our local area. We are looking at different sources and assessing how reliably they tell us information about the past. We will be researching all about their life style and where they came from in the world. We will look at where in history the Vikings were and who they were defeated by. Celebrate! We will be finishing off our topic with a Viking day! Computing Computing This term we will all be learning about coding in computing. We will be looking at Scratch and how to program a sprite to complete actions. We will also be thinking about online safety and how to keep ourselves safe when using internet. MUSIC We are developing our compositional skills using range of differing tuned and unturned percussion instruments. P.E. This half term we will be doing gymnastics. We will be finding new ways to move our bodies and creating sequences using the different ways we can move our bodies. Class K: Thursday Homework Homework is given out on Tuesdays and is expected back in on the following Monday. Children are expected to spend an hour on homework, taking care with presentation. We ask that parents write a comment letting us know how their child found the task. Home Reading To ensure that your child makes great progress in reading, we ask that they read at home every day. We will be sending home book bags from next week and children will have a reading record which they will need to get signed by an adult to record the reading they have done. If you have any questions on how to support your child with their reading, please speak to your child’s class teacher. PSHE This half term, we will be learning about developing friendships and relationships, how to be a good friend and how to manage conflict.