Brain Training
Before the Test The best way to start the test is with a good night’s rest. Go to bed on time or early. Eat a good breakfast- but not too heavy. No Waffle House Focus on relaxing before the test. Engage in casual conversation and not just test talk.
During the Test Make sure that you have all the materials you need Sit up straight. Focus on your test by actively reading and thinking- don’t drift off. If a question is stumping you, skip it and come back later if you have time. If you have time, double check your answers Don’t stress out!
Test Taking Tips Write neatly. Bubble in the circle completely. Don’t try to do everything in your head, that’s what your scratch paper is for. Read the questions BEFORE you read the passage. Sometimes the answer is right there. Underline the question so you know exactly what your answer should be. Don’t rush. It’s not a race.
After the Test Relax and destress Go outside Reflect Listen to music Paint, draw, or sculpt something
R.A.C.E. = Constructed Response
R- Restate or Reword the Question. Make sure that you use the same words that are in the question and fill in the end with the answer.
A- Answer the question. Most of the time your answer will be found in the text. Use your searching finger to find it. When you find the right answer, add it to your restating sentence.
C- Cite evidence. Use information in the text to prove your answer. Make sure to tell where you got the information and cite either the author or the passage.
Good Citing Sentences “The author states…” “In the passage it says…” “In paragraph 3, the author states…” “According to the passage…” “Based on what the author wrote…”
E- Explain. Use this last sentence(s) to wrap up your writing. Give your final thoughts on why you’ve written about certain facts or information.
Explaining Example: The wolf in The Three Little Pigs believes that he is a nice wolf and everyone has the wrong perception about him. In fact, he is best described as aggressive and mean because he kept trying to eat the three innocent pigs. For example, he chased them from house to house and made them run for their lives. He also destroyed two of the pigs’ homes in the process. While the wolf might think his behavior is nice, most people would agree that based on his actions, he is not a nice wolf.
ESSAY = Extended Response
Extended Response means that you will need to write a 5 paragraph essay, with and introduction paragraph, 3 detail paragraphs and a closing paragraph. Use your scratch paper to make a graphic organizer BEFORE you start writing.
Closing Paragraph 1 Introduction Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2
Keep your essay well constructed. Indent when you start a new paragraph Stay within the margins of the paper Write in your neatest handwriting Remember your grammar- punctuation, spacing, capitalization, spelling Read over your essay before you move on to make sure: 1. that it makes sense 2. that all of your thoughts are clear and specific 3. check for any errors
Last but not least… ROCK THAT TEST!
The biggest challenge that Benito and Shen both face is that they both want to be something different than what their parents want them to be. For example, Shen’s aunt saw that he was not happy with working in the restaurant. She told him to tell his parents but Shen felt like he owed his parents to stay in the family business. Also, Benito had the idea of becoming a painter instead of herding sheep on his family’s farm. He enjoyed being outdoors, but he did not want to spend the rest of his life there. While Shen and Benito were good at what they did, they were both unhappy and wanted more out of life. They decided to follow their dreams.