By: Sevyn Rosa, Alicia Beauford, Natalie Secaida European culture By: Sevyn Rosa, Alicia Beauford, Natalie Secaida
European Countries of Origin Austria Czech Republic Denmark England France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Scotland Sweden Switzerland
Health Concepts Health can be maintained by diet, rest, and exercise Immunizations and preventive practices help maintain health Good health is a personal responsibility
Cause of illness Outside sources such as germs, pollutants, or contaminants Punishment for sins Lack of cleanliness Self-abuse (drugs, alcoho, tobacco)
Traditional healers/ Methods of treatment Physician Nurse Medications and surgery Diet and exercise Home remedies and self-care for minor illnesses Prayer and religious rituals
Response to pain Some express pain loudly and emotionally Others value self-control in response to pain Pain can be helped by medication
Healthcare interesting facts In the European region 49 people are diagnosed with and 7 people die of tuberculosis. In Easter Europe only 23% of people with HIV have access to antiretroviral treatment, this rate is the lowest in the world. Non communicable diseases account for about 85% of deaths in the region.
Citation, World Heath organization, regional office for Europe