Amber Millett Annelise Kempka Jason Pullen Orsilio Oquendo IV The Aral Sea Amber Millett Annelise Kempka Jason Pullen Orsilio Oquendo IV
Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature A plan proposed by Joseph Stalin in the late 1940s. The plan included diverting rivers that fed into the Aral Sea,the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya, contributing to its loss of volume. The canals diverted water from the Aral Sea to inland areas for irrigation and public use. The canals were poorly built which resulted in them wasting more water then water was actually being used. Soviet Union
From 1960 to 1998,the Aral Sea remained only 20% of its original volume after losing its sources. Salinity also increased by a factor of 4.
The Aral Sea in 1985
The Aral Sea as of August 2009
Loss of water over time
Division of the Aral Sea In 1987, the Aral Sea split into the North Aral Sea and the South Aral Sea. In 2003, the South Aral Sea further split into the Eastern Sea and the West Aral Sea. Currently, the Eastern Sea is completely dry, the West Aral Sea survives off of groundwater flow, and the North Aral Sea is gaining water from a Kazakhstani-built dyke.
Comparison to the Colorado River Diversion
What is being done The Aral Sea is being diverted to this day An effort to replenish it has been made in Kazakhstan and a dam was created. Since then the sea has risen 12m and the salinity has decreased.
IN CONCLUSION The Aral Sea lies between modern-day Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Soviet diversion of the sea’s feeder rivers for agricultural use led to rapid decline of the sea’s water levels and a large increase in its salinity.