SIERRA LEONE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SITUATION PARIS21 Workshop for West Africa: The Use of Statistics in Development and Poverty Reduction Policies Dakar, 21-23 January 2003 5/24/2019
OUTLINE Background Development of the National Statistical System Poverty Reduction Policies Production of Statistics Use of Statistics Challenges Opportunities 5/24/2019
BACKGROUND Small country, 5.4 m pop Administrative Hierarchy 4 Regions 13 Districts 149 Chiefdoms and 14 Wards Over 2200 Sections Rebel War 1991 to 2002 Sustainable Peace UNDP Human Development Index 5/24/2019
DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM In the beginning the Central Statistics Office. Mushrooming of Statistics and Planning Units in Sectoral Ministries The 1998 IMF Macroeconomic Statistics Mission CEO and Statistical Legislation And now Statistics Sierra Leone Financing the Statistical System 5/24/2019
POVERTY REDUCTION POLICIES The IPRSP Process National effort led by MODEP Commended by International Com. Launched by The President Establishment of PASCO Poverty Monitoring PASCO, EPRU, CSO, Consultants The PRSP 5/24/2019
PRODUCTION OF STATISTICS Sectoral Statistics Units PEMSD, PMISU, EPRU, BSL, PDU, AGD, SLRTA, EDUCATION Statistics Sierra Leone Regular collection of social and economic data 2003 Population and Housing Census SLIHS Consultancy Services; MICS-2 Publications Accessibility Issues Quality 5/24/2019
USE OF STATISTICS Policy formulation, planning and service delivery monitoring SPP MTEF/PETS, Budget Process Aid Coordination National Recovery Strategy Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Food Security NLTPS and Vision 2025 National Media, NGOs, UN Agencies The University of Sierra Leone 5/24/2019
CHALLENGES Recruitment, Retention and Remuneration Statistical Training in Official Statistics Decentralization Coordination Harmonization South South Cooperation Infrastructure and Equipment 5/24/2019
OPPORTUNITIES Baseline Delivery Surveys 5/24/2019
THANK YOU Statistics Sierra Leone A.J. Momoh Street, Tower Hill, Herbert Kandeh Desmond Koroma Allieu Sesay Amara Sheriff Jonathan Leigh Gbogboto Musa Statistics Sierra Leone A.J. Momoh Street, Tower Hill, Box 595, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel. 232-22-223287. Fax. 232-22-223897 5/24/2019