Data Overview West Forsyth High School Forsyth County Schools, Georgia April 2015 Math Department Meeting
Purpose of the Data Overview To improve teaching and learning by using data from 2012-2014 at the district and school level in the areas of: Student Demographics Advanced Placement (AP) Exams End-of-Course (EOC) Test Coordinate Algebra
Focus Points How do ALL students at West Forsyth compare with other students in Forsyth County schools? Are ALL of our students performing at the proficient level on state- mandated tests? Are ALL of our exceptional students, Special Education and Gifted, being served to maximize their academic successes? What are ALL of our strengths and areas of needed improvement? How will we help ALL students find their success?
Focus Point 1 – Changes in Student Demographics How do ALL students at West Forsyth compare with other students in Forsyth County schools? Enrollment is increasing Ethnicity changes at West Forsyth and in the district ESOL, Special Education, and Free/Reduced Lunch
Ethnicity/Race – District
Ethnicity/Race – West Forsyth
ESOL/ELL - District
ESOL/ELL – West Forsyth
Special Education
Free and Reduced Lunch - District
Free and Reduced Lunch – West Forsyth
Summary of Focus Point 1 How do ALL students at West Forsyth compare with other students in Forsyth County schools? Enrollment is increasing Diversity is slowly increasing Special Needs students are increasing Are we prepared to meet the demands of these learners now and in the future?
Focus Points 2 & 3 - Meeting the needs of ALL Learners Are ALL of our students performing at the proficient level on state-mandated tests? End-of-Course test in Coordinate Algebra Are ALL of our exceptional students, Special Education and Gifted, being served to maximize their academic successes? Advanced Placement (AP) exams
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
EOCT Coordinate Algebra - District
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – West Forsyth
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – 9th Grade Spring 2013 % Students at Each Performance Level by Subgroup
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – 9th Grade Spring 2014 % Students at Each Performance Level by Subgroup
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – 9th Grade Spring 2013 % Students at Each Performance Level by Subgroup
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – 9th Grade Spring 2014 % Students at Each Performance Level by Subgroup
Summary of Focus Point 2 & 3 Are ALL of our students performing at the proficient level on state- mandated tests? Are ALL of our exceptional students, Special Education and Gifted, being served to maximize their academic successes? In 2014, 74 percent of students scored a 3 or higher on AP exams at the District level compared to only 69 percent for West Forsyth. From 2013 to 2014, students scoring Meets or Exceeds increased by 6 percent at the District level compared to a 10 percent increase for West Forsyth. How do we improve learning for all students, especially special education and ELL, to increase their success on the Coordinate Algebra End-of-Course test?
Focus Point 4 – Strengths & Needed Improvement What are ALL of our strengths and areas of needed improvement? Performance Levels for all students Higher than State results Lower than District average Algebra and Functions (includes Number and Quantity) Algebra Connections to Statistics and Probability
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – 9th Grade Spring 2013 Strand Analysis
EOCT Coordinate Algebra – 9th Grade Spring 2014 Strand Analysis
Summary of Focus Points How will we help ALL students find their success in Math at West Forsyth High School? What strategies have you not tried? What strategies have you used with success? Is your colleague using a strategy with a higher success rate? *When trying to change your results, you have to change what you put in to your work. Otherwise, you will always get what you’ve had before.