Chapter 26.1: 1990’s and the New Millennium
Bill Clinton Election of 1992-George Bush(Republican), Bill Clinton(Democrat), and Ross Perot (Independent). Clinton wins with 43% of the vote, Bush 38%, and Perot 19%. Clinton pushed for healthcare reform, but it never happened. During Clinton’s presidency the economy went up.
Terrorism In 1993, terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in New York City. In 1995, Timothy McVeigh, a veteran of the Gulf War, bombed a federal office building in Oklahoma City, killing 168. September 11, 2001.
Reelection and Impeachment 1996 Reelection-Clinton beats Senator Bob Dole, with 49% of the vote. December 1998, the House of Rep.’s impeaches Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate did not have the 2/3 needed to impeach him. Otherwise, he could have been removed as president.
2000 Election-Al Gore and George W. Bush.
2000 Election Cont. Gore was projected by the television networks to win Florida, which would have given him the victory. Then, shockingly, the TV networks said it was “too close to call.” The next day, Gore had won the popular vote by more than 500,000 votes, but Florida was still too close to call. This led to a recount to determine the winner of the state-and the presidency.
2000 Election Cont. Voting irregularities, hanging chads, and other problems, dragged out the election. Five weeks after the election took place, Florida and its electoral votes went to George W. Bush.
Chapter 26.3: Technology and Modern Life
Communication Revolution Home computers became widely available, and many thousands of people joined online subscription service that provided e-mail and magazine style information. Information Superhighway-network of communication devices linking people and institutions across the world. Internet
Technological and Scientific Advancements Examples of Technological and Scientific Advancements: Virtual Reality Doctors use robots to operate on patients. Robots grew more humanlike as engineers equipped them with computer chips simulating brain function. Genetic Engineering-the artificial changing of the molecular biology of an organisms’ cells to change the organism.
Medical Advancements Cancer survival rates improved drastically. People could live longer with AIDS, due to a combination of medicines and therapies. 1992-40,000 AIDS victims. 1998-13,500 AIDS victims. Medical diagnosing-Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), produces cross sectional images of any body part.