Vocabulary Week of October 10-14, 2011 Honors English I Vocabulary Week of October 10-14, 2011
Altruism (N) putting others first; being self sacrificing Caldron (N) a huge cooking pot Deplore (V) to regret Exculpate (V) free someone from blame; pardon Illusory ( Adj) deceptive; false; misleading
Lobbyist (N) person who tries to persuade someone to support a program Onus (N) burden Precarious (Adj) unstable; risky Sagacious (Adj) wise Trepidation (N) fear
Prefix: Dis means apart; not Disengage (V) physically disconnect Discomfort (N) state of physical unease Discourage (V) tend to stop something; try to deter somebody Disrespect (N) total contempt; lack Displace (V) move something from its usual place