Spelling Pest Control Rules 1. Two players stand on either side of the board holding a fly swatter. 2. Swat the misspelled word. 3. You many only swat one word (sorry no changing answers). 4. The first correct answer wins. 5. The winner remains playing as long as s/he can. 6. Return to the end of the line if you lose. *If you swat another student you are out of the game!*
Acquire A lot Amateur Acheive
Calender Category Cemetery Believe
Committed Conscience Collum Conscious
Conscious Committed Collectible Conscientous
Rhyme Rhythem Restaurant Relevant
Consensus Definitely Conshious Discipline
Dumbbell Disipline Embarrass Equipment
Discipline Embarass Exhilarate Equipment
Exceed Existence Equipment Exhilerate
Relevant Receive Receipt Resteraunt
Schedule Sergeant Seperate Reference
Gauge Fiery Grateful Foregn
Atheist Believe Amateur Aparent
Rhythm Privilege Recomend Referred
Exhilarate Equiptment Embarrass Exceed
Kernel Leisure Colonal Library
Experience Fiery Existance Exceed
Experiance Foreign Fiery Exceed
License Libary Lightning Maintenance
Acceptable Acquire Accidentaly Achieve
Misspell Medieval Until Muhmento
Publicly Personnel Possession Pasttime
Tyranny Twelvth Sergeant Threshold
Gratefull Guarantee Height Foreign
Cemetery Calendar Changeable Catagory
Grateful Height Guarante Hierarchy
Arguement Atheist Amateur Calendar
Maneuver Medieval Lightning Maintenence
Noticeable Miniature Memento Millenium
Privaledge Referred Questionnaire Pronunciation
Litening License Maintenance Leisure
Leesure Liaison Library Jewelry
Misspell Mischievous Minuschool Miniature
Threshhold Their Until Twelfth
Grateful Hieght Hierarchy Humorous
Occassionally Principal Possession Occurrence
Twelfth Threshold Untill Vacuum
Equipment Exhilarate Embarrassment Dumbell
Receipt Recieve Rhythm Recommend
Apparent Alot Argument Accommodate
Humorous Immediate Independent Ignoreance
Mischievious Misspell Minuscule Memento
Consensous Discipline Dumbbell Conscientious
Aceptable Accidentally Accommodation Achieve
Independent Ignorance Imediate Humorous
Independant Immediate Intelligence Indispensable
Collectible Column Category Changable
Indispensible Intelligence Immediate Independent
Acceptable Accomodate Achieve Accidentally
Referance Separate Restaurant Rhyme
Existence Exseed Embarrass Exhilarate
Playwright Posession Personnel Principal
Height Hierarchy Humerous ignorance
Indispensable Intelligance Jewelry Judgment
Grateful Guarantee Gaug
Conscious Committed Column Conshense
Occasionally Neighbor Occurrance Noticeable
Midevil Maneuver Memento Maintenance
Principel Possession Occurrence Occasionally
Privilege Questionnaire Pronounciation Publicly
Judgment Jewlry Kernel Intelligence
Colonel Kernel Jewelry Judgement
Referred Privilege Recommend Questionaire
Memento Mispell Maneuver Mischievous
Vacuum Until Twelfth Wether
Sergeant Schedual Tyranny Separate
Dumbbell Embarrass Definitly Discipline
Achieve A lot Amature Argument
Receipt Relavant Reference Separate
Beleive Calendar Category Atheist
Colectible Column Cemetery Category
Kernal Leisure Judgment Liaison
Playwright Possession Pastime Personel
Personnel Occasionally Playright Principle
Leisure Liaison Library Lisence
Category Calendar Athiest Believe
Kernel Judgment Library Liason
Rhythm Rhyme Referred Reciept
Neighbor Noticable Occurrence Occasionally
Pronunciation Publicaly Privilege Questionnaire
Weather Vacume Until There
Tyrany Twelfth Sergeant Threshold
Rhythm Relevant Recommend Rhime
Existence Firery Foreign Experience
Collectible Cemetary Category Calendar
Maintenance Medieval Manuver License
Higherarchy Humorous Ignorance Grateful
Collectible Commited Conscience Column
Miniatur Millennium Minuscule Noticeable
Recommend Refered Receive Receipt
Noticeable Millennium Occurrence Neighber
Separate Schedule Sargent Tyranny
Answer Key Cover slide Resteraunt Muhmento Rules Seperate Pasttime Acheive Foregn Twelvth Calender Aparent Gratefull Collum Recomend Catagory Conscientous Equiptment Guarante Rhythem Colonal Arguement Conshious Existance Maintenence Disipline Experiance Millenium Embarass Libary Privaledge Exhilerate Accidentaly Litening
Answer Key 34. Leesure 47. Imediate 60. Midevil 35. Minuschool 48. Independant 61. Principel 36. Threshhold 49. Changable 62. Pronounciation 37. Hieght 50. Indispensible 63. Jewlry 38. Occassionally 51. Accomodate 64. Judgement 39. Untill 52. Referance 65. Questionaire 40. Dumbell 53. Exseed 66. Mispell 41. Recieve 54. Posession 67. Wether 42. Alot 55. Humerous 68. Schedual 43. Ignoreance 56. Intelligance 69. Definitly 44. Mischievious 57. Gaug 45. Consensous 58. Conshense 46. Aceptable 59. Occurrance
Answer Key 70. Amature 79. Liason 88. Manuver 71. Relavant 80. Reciept 89. Higherarchy 72. Beleive 81. Noticable 90. Commited 73. Colectible 82. Publicaly 91. Miniatur 74. Kernal 83. Vacume 92. Refered 75. Personel 84. Tyrany 93. Neighber 76. Playright 85. Rhime 94. Sargent 77. Lisence 86. Firery 78. Athiest 87. Cemetary