Kinesiology – study of physical activity or movement Includes: anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, psychomotor behavior Focuses on: exercise stress, movement efficiency, and fitness
References to Body Anatomical Terms - describe the locations of structures in relation to other structures or locations in the body
Anterior – in front of, front Posterior – After, behind, toward back
Distal – away, farthest from the reference point Proximal – Near, Closest to reference point
Superior – Above, over Inferior – Below, under
Lateral – away from midline Medial – toward the midline
Cranial – Toward the head Caudal – Toward tailbone
Anatomical Planes – reference to sections of the body
Coronal Plane (Frontal) Vertical plane running side to side Divides the anterior from posterior
Sagittal Plane (lateral) Vertical plane running front to back Divides right from left
Axial plane (Transverse) Horizontal plane Divides upper and lower