By Ethan Lee (hope you enjoy START
ORIENTATION Your name is Wfryer and you are on a plane to New York. But you knew there were zombies there so you brought a pistol. But suddenly the plane crashes you have to get out of there, the pressure is on, every second counts, they are coming for you. So you run out of the flaming plane, as you run out (just in time) a horde of zombies run in the plane and it blows up. NEXT PAGE
MAIN PROBLEM (main choices) There is a zombie close by and it is eating someone but then you accidently step on a twig and it snaps and the zombie hears it. It comes running at you so you grab a knife and stab the ugly zombie in the face. There is a road and there are these two choices Walk along the road You find a chopper and escape
CHOICE 1 More zombies find you. So you have to run away but you can’t because zombies are surrounding you. There is know way out so you grab a knife and threaten the zombies, they move back but you throw two grenades but you don’t know where to go because you can go left or right. Go left Go right
CHOICE 1.2 You went left and found an ak47 in the park but you don’t know if you should use it now, So you save it for later but now you are mad you didn’t use it. But you have these two choices… Go for it Stay and fight!
Please try again from the start :o PREMATURE ENDING 1 You chose to go right and a bunch of zombies find and devour you by scoffing your bloody bones in your mouth and sticking it through your neck and back and chewing them and then they get knives and cut open your body and eating everything inside. The end Please try again from the start :o
RESOLUTION 1. You run for the ammo box get the ammo and kill all the zombies around you, but once you did a plane swooped by and picked you up. IT SAVED YOUR LIFE!!!!! THE END GO BACK TO THE START
CHOICE 2 You try the chopper but it does not work there are these two choices and there are a bunch of zombies near the chopper so you don’t want to leave but suddenly all the zombies disappeared but you have these two choices. You get out You stay
PREMATURE ENDING 2 You left the chopper and someone mistakes you as a zombie and kills you. THE END GO BACK TO THE START
CHOICE 2.2 You stayed in the chopper and waited until no one was out there and you see an ammo box but there are zombies surrounding it so you have these two choices Run for it Stay and fight
RESOLUTION 2.1 After you get the ammo you put it in your gun hoping that it is ammo for an ak47 and then you get happy because it is! You started shooting them and you killed all of them. THE END GO BACK TO THE START