Vocabulary “The Necklace”
Adulation When Mrs. Morgan returned to school after her “new and improved” make-over, students demonstrated their adulation with compliments.
Adulation Excessive praise or flattery
Aghast Jenny was aghast when she realized that the test was today, not tomorrow.
Aghast Filled with shock or horror
Askew No matter how he styled it, Bob’s hair style looked rather askew after he let his eight year-old sister cut his hair.
Askew Crooked, to one side
Exorbitant Many people complain about the exorbitant price of gas.
Exorbitant Much too high, excessive
Gamut Chloe ran the gamut of teachers, guidance counselors, and coaches in order to assemble her college recommendation letters.
Gamut The entire range/series of something
Pauper After losing all of his money in Las Vegas, Jim returned home a pauper.
Pauper A poor person
Privation While some Americans live in wealth and comfort, others experience privation.
Privation Lack of basic necessities and comfort in life.
Prospects As he graduated from college with a business degree, George began to investigate his future prospects.
Prospects Chances/possibilities for success or profit
Ruinous After his ruinous trip to Las Vegas, Jim, the pauper, lost all prospects for monetary wealth.
Ruinous Bringing ruin or downfall; disastrous
Vexation Jim, the pauper, was filled with vexation over his irresponsible decisions.
Vexation Anger or annoyance