RELATION BETWEEN DEMAND AFTER TRAIN PATHS AND CAPACITY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Ing. Josef Bulíček, Ph.D. Ing. Lukáš Fiala University of Pardubice, Czech Republic EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina, Slovakia
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina2 Content of Presentation 1.Problem definition 2.Operational side of problem 3.Train paths demand and capacity 4.Proposal of train paths classification 5.Modelling of train paths 6.Basic preconditions for modelling
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina3 1 Problem Definition Free market in the railway sector, non-discriminative way of access to infrastructure. Transport carriers: demand for train paths, railway infrastructure manager: supply of paths. Problem: conflict requirements of more operators, capacity limitations, appropriate capacity consumption.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina4 2 Operational Side of Problem Priorities of trains? 2 levels of problem: basic (by allocating of capacity, time scheduling), operational (e.g. priorities in the case of delay). Relations to: transport system stability, inadequate preventing of any railway operator.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina5 3 Train Paths Demand and Capacity Capacity: Number of trains able to be operated on the line (infrastr. element) in certain time frame. Train path = part of railway infrastructure capacity. Relations to: technical and operational characteristics of the line, but also to characteristics of the train (path) it is also depended on transport operator.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina6 Carrier requirementsTimetable planning Operations and control expected number of train paths (peak) expected mix of traffic and speed (peak) infrastructure quality need journey times as short as possible translation of all short and long-term market-induced demands to reach optimised load requested number of train paths requested mix of traffic and speed existing conditions of infrastructure time supplements for expected disruptions time supplements for maintenance connecting services in stations requests out of regular interval timetables (system times, train stops,...) actual number of trains actual mix of traffic and speed actual conditions of infrastructure delays caused by operational disruptions delays caused by track works delays caused by missed connections additional capacity by time supplements not needed
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina7 4 Proposal of Train Path Classification (1) Precondition for capacity utilizing in the most effective way. Different accesses in EU countries. Possible solution:
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina8 4 Proposal of Train Path Classification (2) Optimal Train Path depended on railway line, technical and operational possibilities of the line are used in the most effective way, more variants of optimal paths – kinds of paths have to be strictly defined in accordance to type of train (e.g. EC, R, Os, PN, Mn). it is also able to help to reducing of time schedule heterogeneity, operational priority will also be defined by kind of optimal train path.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina9 4 Proposal of Train Path Classification (3) Money Evaluation of Train Paths it is not possible to have all trains with the same parameters (on the level defined by optimal path), the differences will be regarded by system of penalties and discounts –better characteristics than in optimal path are required: discount, –worse characteristics than in optimal path are required: penalty.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina10 4 Proposal of Train Path Classification (4) Money Evaluation of Operational Train Priority possibility to buy better operational priority than it is defined by surcharge for path (e.g. Os can overtake R in the case of delay), on the other hand lower priority can be also required with discount on train path price.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina11 5 Modelling of Optimal Train Paths Definition of Optimal Paths task of railway infrastructure manager, no own rolling stock for operational tests, simulation model Validated model is based on technical data of line and rolling stock only independent tool for optimal path definition, reference tool for solving of struggles.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina12 6 Basic Preconditions for Modelling Data Base transport infrastructure (data basis of RIM), rolling stock (is able to be provided by carriers), defined and validated rules for modelling. Possibility of stepwise implementation due to time and work demands by fulfilling of databases. Data interoperability is also able to be helpful. Software support: e.g. OpenTrack, Railsys etc.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina13 Conclusion New problems are occurring due to free market, railway infrastructure managers have to be prepared. Capacity utilizing effects, priorities of train paths, pricing of paths. Proposal of methodology for solution using models are given in this paper.
EURO-Žel 2011, Žilina14 Thank you for your attention Ing. Josef Bulíček, Ph.D. Ing. Lukáš Fiala University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty Studentská 95, CZ Pardubice Phone The paper has been elaborated by the support of the institutional intent MŠM Theory of Transport Systems of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and also by support of Students´ Grant Competition SGDFJ01/2011 of the University of Pardubice.