The Second New Deal Ch 10 Section 2
FDR Very popular in first two years. 2 million jobs BUT… 10 million remained unemployed! Nation’s income was still only ½ of what it was before the Depression.
Critics of the New Deal From the right (Republicans): Too much deficit spending Too much economic regulation. Was it stifling the economic comeback? From the left (Socialists): New Deal didn’t do enough. Wealth should shift from rich Americans to poorer ones.
FDR’s biggest critics: Huey Long Governor of Louisiana Champion of the poor, but very corrupt Share-Our-Wealth society: Redistribute wealth by heavy taxation of the rich. Father Charles Coughlin Popular Catholic priest that wanted more radical reforms Dr. Francis Townsend California doctor Wanted government to give money to retired persons over 60.
The WPA: Works Progress Administration 1935-1941 Largest public works program 8.5 million jobs $11 billion Built roads, bridges, airports, parks, arts, sculptures, murals, plays. Even recorded stories of surviving slaves and war veterans
Criticism of the WPA: