Week of Dissections
Final Project Pick topic by today
Shark Presentations/ Quiz Sit on the (your Right) side of the class if you weren't here FRIDAY Sit on the (your Left) if you were here FRIDAY
Final Project Pick a movie and let me know by TODAY
Dogfish Shark Dissection You will work in groups of 4 Each group will have the following One person to record the procedure and steps One person to make observations, notes, and drawings Last one - two people will do the dissecting Write down what you and your group members are doing
LAB WRITE UP Everything can be done mainly in class Everyone needs to record all info after on their own paper
Lab Safety What are the safety considerations for this lab? Write them down…
Materials What are the Materials for this lab? Write them down…
Observations/ DATA Start taking detailed observations IMMEDIATELY! What does it look like? Color Shape How does it feel? How big is it? How much does it weigh?
Procedure What are the Procedures for this lab? Write them down…
External Anatomy Make sure you have… (on your Lab write-up) All external parts that you can identify and how they look
Internal Anatomy Make sure you have… (on your Lab write-up) All Internal parts that you can identify and how they look
Inside of Organs Be sure to write any observations when you cut open the organs
Post lab Questions/ Conclusion We will work on Tuesday