Auckland Harbour Crossing location
Highlights from stats NZ Auckland metropolis (North Shore, Waitakere, Auckland & Manukau) employs over ¼ of all employed people in NZ. 9 out of 10 employed people in the AKL region work within the metropolis Those numbers increase from 1996 (26.7%) and 2006 (28.7%) Auckland is growing at a high rate than NZ’s other largest cities
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What does this graph tell us? Extra info: commuters from Rodney district grew sharply in 2006 with 5,100 more working in the AKL metropolis than 1996.
What does this graph tell us? Extra info: very few people listed Nth Shore cities as workplace addresses, but 16% of employee commute from Rodney to AKL and 19% to Nth Shore
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