START-UP When (if ever) should the rights of the individual be more important than the law? Write at least 3-5 sentences. When you finish your writing, get your IR books…Pages 93-96.
Today’s Objective By the end of the period, students will be able to: Understand what their individual rights are under the Bill of Rights. Be able to define the term - civil disobedience. Identify how and why figures like Martin Luther King Jr. practiced civil disobedience. Demonstrate by identifying a claim and supporting it with evidence.
First let’s Establish What your Rights are As you watch the video – pick out 2 or 3 rights that are most important to you – be ready to discuss with your partner. A quick review of the Bill of Rights – fLm5dLMQ
Now discuss with your VERTICAL partner Which rights were most important to you? Why? On your own paper, complete the following sentence: The most important right to me is the right to ___________________________________ because ___________________________________
WHAT IF . . .? The Government denied you your individual rights? Everyone did what they wanted when they wanted? Discuss as a class
Today you are going to learn how Martin Luther King Jr Today you are going to learn how Martin Luther King Jr. broke the law to stand up for his rights as an individual. The technique he used to do this was called – Civil Disobedience. So what is Civil Disobedience? Think first about the word disobedience and what that means. Then think about the word civil. Is it possible to be both civil and disobedient? Let’s see how King and others like him did just that.
Read King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” As you read identify King’s claim. Highlight evidence in the text that demonstrates that claim. In a paragraph give your opinion on this author’s claim. Do you agree or disagree? Give evidence from the text to support your ideas. Please write at least 5-7 thoughtful sentences.
Complete your paragraphs and the IR questions, including page 96. Homework Complete your paragraphs and the IR questions, including page 96.
Exit Ticket Based on his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” how does Martin Luther King Jr. feel about the rights of the individual? Do you agree or disagree? Why