The Hero’s Journey Max doesn’t know it, but he is on a quest to define who and what he is. His character follows the steps of a Hero’s Journey, and we will be tracking his character development throughout the novel.
What is character development??? Character development is when a character grows and changes throughout a story.
Topic: The Hero’s Journey Cornell Notes Setup Topic: The Hero’s Journey Essential Question: What is the Hero’s Journey?
The Hero’s Journey The Hero’s Journey is a common archetype, or pattern, in literature. Question: What are the steps on the journey?
1. The Ordinary World Heroes usually live in an ordinary world, but there is something special about them that makes them feel out of place. Others often think they are weird.
2. Call to Adventure Heroes leave their homes and enter a “different world” in response to an event. (It can be a new place, like Oz, or just somewhere that seems really different from their ordinary environment. The event can be something big, like a tornado, or small, like someone calling for help.)
Working with the Mentor Heroes have a mentor, or aide, who guides and teaches them important skills during their journey.
The Road of Trials Heroes face challenges, or trials, during their adventure that teach them skills and lead up to the final challenge.
Facing the Boss The Hero’s Journey always has a final battle, often with a father figure, to test the Hero’s skills and prove his / her worth. This battle is usually to the death.
Transformation Once the hero has “faced the boss” and won, they are now changed in some way. The experience of the journey has changed the hero in a significant (big) way.
The Return The hero returns to the normal world. He or she may still face a final brush with death. He accepts himself and is welcomed by others.